5 Things To Look For To Identify A Palm Plant

If you are interested in learning about palm plant identification, it’s best you read this article and understand how to do it.

How To Carry Out Palm Plant Identification

The leaves of a palm plant are usually green in color but some palm plants may have yellow or white leaves. 

Look At The Fruit

Look At The Flowers

The leaves of a palm plant are usually green in color but some palm plants may have yellow or white leaves. 

Palms flowers can be grouped into two types: male and female. 

Look At The Flowers

Palms stems are either unbranched or branched.

Look At The Stems

Look At The Roots

Some palms have thick, short, and brown roots while other palms have thin, long, and white roots.

Use An App For Plant Identification

If you don’t know which species of palm is yours, take a picture of the plant and upload it to Google Plant Finder.

Read The Literature

Palm trees have been used in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. 

Palm plant identification is easy just like any other plant.

5 Things To Look For To Identify A Palm Plant

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