What is snake plant shoots? You may have noticed that your snake plant or Mother In Laws Tongue has started growing tiny baby leaves at the end of its long green stems.
By encouraging new Snake plant shoots (and also dividing and potting up), you can easily maintain and propagate for continual display throughout their life. They are extremely tough houseplant that rarely needs any attention and can be in most conditions.
Snake Plant new shoots mean that your snake plant is mature and ready to help you grow more plants.
What do new shoots mean for your houseplant?
Snake plant leaf tips turn yellow and die off during the cold winter season. This is a signal that new plant leaves will appear from the center or crown of the plant.
A snake plant produces pups in about 2 to 3 weeks. To start with, you will be able to see roots growing from the bottom of the leaf cuttings in about 3 to 5 weeks. Following this, tiny pups will start developing.
How long does it take a snake plant to produce pups?
If you notice your offshoots are too many, it won’t hurt to share new plants with neighbors, family, and friends. Who doesn’t want a beautiful snake plant growing in the comfort of their home? Your snake plant new shoots could be a blessing to many more people.