Are Your Bamboo Roots Are Orange?- Find Out What That Means

In this article, we will talk about Bamboo Roots Turning Orange. Generally, I would assume that you are referring to a lucky bamboo plant.

Lucky bamboo roots start of white and turn orange as they mature.

Why are my bamboo roots orange?

How to grow bamboo from its orange roots?

Let your plant grow until it is tall enough then cut the stem between nodes.

Do not worry at all. The roots turn orange naturally as the plant grows and ages.

What to do if bamboo roots are orange?

The roots will be curling around the pot, or in the potting soil, and have a nice orange/red color.

How do you know if bamboo roots are healthy?

If the roots turn black or brown they are dead and rotting. This is not so good.

Reduce water and allow the plant to recover. Repot it in dry well drained soil.

This is normal! Take home message – lucky bamboo roots turning orange is completely normal.

Are Your Bamboo Roots Are Orange?- Find Out What That Means

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