There are different bugs that are common to kale plants. Some of them include aphids, flea beetles, thrips, cabbage butterflies, harlequin bugs, whiteflies, and stink bugs.
You can identify harlequin bugs with their shielded shape with black and red or black and yellow markings. Harlequin bugs possess sucking mouthparts that use in drinking the sap from leaves.
To get rid of bugs you may find on your kale and cabbage, simply spray them with a strong force of water such as a hose. You can also use natural insecticides such as Diatomaceous earth (DE).
What to use to get rid of bugs on kale and cabbage?
You can kill bugs kale naturally by simply handpicking them and placing them inside soapy water.
Bugs on kale can be a worrisome issue for many gardeners. Fortunately, there are things you can do to solve the situation and we have listed some solutions for you in this post.