Can You Leave Dahlias In The Ground Over Winter?

Dahlias are some of the most beautiful flowers to display but are difficult to overwinter; can you leave dahlias in the ground over winter.

Can You Leave Dahlias In The Ground Over Winter?

Overwintering dahlias is not possible in zones 8 or higher; you cannot keep your dahlias tubers in the ground over winter, they will rot or die. 

Dahlias display a colorful bloom throughout summer and autumn.  Once the frost arrives, it is time to get ready to overwinter them.

How To Overwinter Dahlias

If your soil is well-drained and frost does not penetrate too deeply, your tubers will come through the winter unharmed. 

Leave Dahlias In The Ground Over Winter

Dig Your Dahlias Before Winter

If you choose to dig them up and store them, it is better to preserve them for future replanting.

When spring arrives, get ready to plant your tubers again.  You can choose to start them indoors in pots and then plant them outdoors when the soil warms up.

When The Next Spring Comes

Once planted in the spring dahlias will thrive and start growing right away.  They are not problematic plants.

Summer And Fall Care

Are dahlias perennials or annuals?  Dahlias are both.  They can be grown as perennials in areas where frost is mild and annuals in areas where the temperatures get to freezing points.
