Cat Palm vs Areca Palm – 6 Outstanding Differences and Similarities

We will discuss cat palm vs. areca palm differences and similarities to help you get a clear idea before growing any of them.

What Is The Difference Between A Cat Palm And An Areca Palm?

Leaves - The most significant difference between cat palm vs. areca palm is the leaves ...

Both require loose well-draining soils. Never plant any of these palms in heavy clay soil. Provide them with slightly acidic soils.

Similarities Of Cat Palm Vs. Areca Palm

How Do I Identify A Cat Palm?

The cat palm is a clustering palm with no trunk. It is just a dense clump of stems covered with feathery fronds. This palm grows up to 6 to 8 feet tall in a rounded form.

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) is also known as the bamboo palm because of its soft fronds and tolerance to low light. This plant prefers moderate watering, fertile soil, and a monthly fertilizer application to maintain a lush look.

Is Areca Palm And Bamboo Palm The Same?

The cat palm is a clustering palm with no trunk.  It is just a dense clump of stems covered with feathery fronds.  This palm grows up to 6 to 8 feet tall in a rounded form.

How do I identify a cat palm?

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) is also known as the bamboo palm because of its soft fronds and tolerance to low light. 

Is areca palm and bamboo palm the same?

Well, that’s a lot of information about the cat palm vs. bamboo palm or the cat palm vs. areca palm as most people commonly know it. 


Cat Palm vs Areca Palm – 6 Outstanding Differences and Similarities