The adult flea beetles are likely to overwinter in the soil or garden debris and become active again in the spring. They feed on host plants as new growth appears.
Flea beetles are common pests that attack tomato seedlings in most areas in the US. They chew small holes in leaves, leaving them a sieve-like appearance.
To protect your tomatoes from getting infected by these pests, its best to use the following method– Place floating row covers on seedlings and leave them in place until the plants are old enough to tolerate beetle damage.– Place yellow sticky traps throughout your garden rows every 15 to 30 feet to capture the adults.– Apply beneficial nematodes to the soil to destroy the larvae stage of the flea beetles and reduce root feeding. It also eliminates the next generation of adults from emerging ...
Who would think that such little pests could cause gardeners such a fuss? These pests sleep in your garden all winter only to wake up and wreak havoc on your potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, and their relatives.