Dealing With Jade Plant Growing Aerial Roots

Jade plant aerial roots are common if you are growing this plant and are no reason to be alarmed as this condition can be easily remedied.

What is the meaning of aerial roots?

Usually occur as a plant's response to a stressful situation such as insufficient water, air, nutrients, physical injury or too much humidity.

What is the function of aerial roots?

Aerial roots are used by plants to absorb water and nutrients from the air and water. 

Aerial roots on a Jade plant occur as a response to a stressful environmental situation.

Does a jade plant have aerial roots?

What do you do with aerial roots on jade plant?

You can use your aerial roots to hold your Jade plant in place and help it grow bigger.

The Jade plant growing air roots is usually a response to a stressful situation.

Dealing With Jade Plant Growing Aerial Roots

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