Do Deer Eat Impatiens?

Do deer eat impatiens is a question we commonly get from most gardeners, and we are here to demystify this topic and clear things up for you.

So Do Deer Eat Impatiens, Or Do Deer Like Impatiens?

Deer often target the lovely impatiens (Impatiens spp.), and they are known to cause severe damage to these beautiful flowering annuals.

Plant Them Closer Home - Deer are easily frightened by any human or pet presence and will run away when you scare them.  Surround Your Impatiens With Other Plants That Deer Does Not Like -   Plants like herb mint or marigold that smell strongly or poppies that are poisonous act as deterrents to deer. 

Protecting Your Impatiens From Deer

Invest In Noise-making Objects In Your Garden - You can try making some uncomfortable noise or lights that will scare these stubborn creatures away.   Use Natural Or Chemical Repellents - You can choose to make your own or decide to buy one from a store near you.  Treating your impatiens with repellants prevents them from being eaten by deer. 

Protecting Your Impatiens From Deer

What Other Animals Eat Impatiens?

There are many other hungry creatures out there waiting to snack on your plants.  Knowing what creatures these are will help you protect your impatiens from all of them in good time.

Now you know more about protecting your impatiens from deer and other creatures.  The strategies we have discussed above may look simple, but hopefully, they have given you an idea of the types of actions you should use to protect your plants.


Do Deer Eat Impatiens?