Do Jade Plants Like To Be Root Bound?

Do jade plants like to be root bound or do you need to re-pot them once they overgrow the current pot?

Do Jade Plants Like To Be Root Bound?

Jade plants do not like to be root bound. Jade plants do best when you place them in a pot with small holes for drainage so the roots do not become too waterlogged.

If you have ever gotten to the point where your jade plant is so big that the pot is not large enough for it anymore, then comes the time where you will need to consider repotting.

How Do You Re-pot A Root Bound Jade?

Do Jade Plants Have Deep Roots?

Jade plants do not have deep roots. Jade plants stem measures about 1 cm in diameter while its leaves are flat and sharp-edged reaching 5 inches or so long by 2 inches wide ...

Jade plants do not like to be overcrowded. 


Do jade plants like to be crowded?

Jade plants do best when they are root bound in a small space because their roots do not grow in a deep fashion.

How do I know when to repot my jade?

Transplanting jades can be difficult but can do it yourself if you do it carefully. 

Is transplanting jades difficult?

Jade plant root bound is a common condition that faces many jade plant owners and do jade plants like to be root bound can cause a number of issues for the plant.


Do Jade Plants Like To Be Root Bound?