Popillia japonica Newman or the Japanese beetle is a well-known pest native to Japan. It is currently a big threat in America eating up shrubs, fruit trees, turf, etc.
You already know that the Japanese beetles can be extremely destructive, but do they really bite? No recorded evidence suggests these beetles bite. They may try to pinch ...
* Japanese beetles were introduced by accident to New Jersey in 1916. They were allegedly hidden in iris bulbs shipped from Japan.
* These beetles continue to invade the ...
An Adult Japanese beetle measures about 1/3 to ½-inch long. It has a shiny, metallic-green body with bronze-colored wing covers. These bronze or copper-colored ...
The beetles feed on flowers, foliage, or fruits of over 300 plant species across 79 plant classes. Their favorite plants include roses, grapes, hibiscus, raspberries, ...
The Japanese beetles’ life cycle consists of 4 development stages called complete metamorphosis. The stages are egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. Adult ...
It is easy to spot or notice the infestation of beetles in your garden. You will begin to notice the skeletonization of the leaves of trees and plants or ...