The best time to water your snake plant is in the early morning about four hours before the sun rises. This way, the soil will have enough time to dry out more before nightfall.
Can You Bottom Water A Snake Plant – Do Snake Plants Need Drainage Holes?
The most common reason why snake plants do not do well is because of wet soils. If your pot does not have drainage holes, it is bound to hold water causing your plant’s roots to rot.
If you do not have time to do frequent watering, try the bottom watering method. There are lots of other things that can go wrong if you do not know what your snake plant needs!
The easiest way of giving water to your plants is misting them. Misting is an easier watering method because no water is wasted through the drain holes.
Yes, they do. If you want a better watering method for your plant, you can choose to bottom water your plant by placing it on a tray so that the soil can absorb water from below.