You can buy turnip seeds at the seeds store near you. Turnip seeds are surprisingly small, with nearly 200,000 seeds per pound. A very small packet of turnip provides a lot of turnip plants...
Once the plant’s flowers wait until the seed pods turn brown and dry. Shake them into a paper bag where they continue to dry before shattering. Once dry, clean them through a kitchen sieve blowing the chaff away...
Turnip seeds are planted directly into the garden. They do not transplant well. Sow them onto fertile well-drained soil for better produce and do not cover the seeds with more than ½ an inch of soil...
You may harvest turnip greens 4-5 weeks after planting when they are young and tender. The main crop takes 6-10 weeks but waiting this long to eat the greens destroys them...
You can store your turnips after harvest for 3-4 months. Store them in a cool, dark, and humid place like a root cellar or a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator...