Easily Identify A Kentia Palm From An Areca Palm 

Palms are monocotyledonous flowering plants. 

How can you tell if it’s a Kentia palm?

Kentia palms are expensive. 

Kentia palms have courser thicker leaves that bow downwards and are dark green on top and lighter underneath. 

How can you tell if it’s a Kentia palm?

How can you tell if it’s an areca palm?

Areca palms keep shooting up new palm plants, hence if there are many different aged plants in a clump, the chances are it is an Areca palm. 

Areca palms have relatively evenly colored leaves on the top and bottom. 

How can you tell if it’s an areca palm?

Both palms are amazing. If you have a tendency to kill palm trees, the Kentia is a tougher plant. 

Which is better Kentia or Areca palm?

Which is better Kentia or Areca palm?

If you live in the tropics, the Areca palm is very difficult to kill as well. 

Which is better Kentia or Areca palm?

Both palms are beautiful, and both are amazing. Neither is better than the other for all functions! 

Palms have a growth pattern where they produce multiple palms that grow into a clump. 

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