As far as examples of stem tubers go, nothing compares to the delicious humble potato! But there are many others, and these stem tubers are an integral part of our diet conferring joy and health to our meals.
Tubers are large storage organs that plants use to store water and nutrients for times when conditions are not favorable. Broadly speaking we get stem tubers and root tubers.
Growing Fungus Resistant Unique Potatoes - Conventional wisdom is that if you get blight you must remove blighted material, not grow potatoes in that soil for seven years and spray ...
These are tough plants. They grow in wet boggy areas and are beautiful to look at. Some have a variegated leaf, others a normal leaf. The root tubers store well.
Whether a sweet potato or ginger root is an example of a stem tuber or not, this does not mean that you should not grow these awesome root tubers and rhizomes respectively.