How Cold Can Aloe Tolerate? Surprising Facts About The Aloe Vera Cold Tolerance

If you want the answer to how cold aloe can tolerate, keep reading because we have it! It’s no secret that aloe vera is an herb with many health benefits. 

Can Aloe Survive 40 Degrees?

According to some scientists, aloe can survive temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

After the freeze, you should test to see if the aloe vera plant comes back. You may notice some leaves die off after the freeze.

Will The Aloe Vera Plant Come Back After The Freeze?

You could include a pot of tropical plants or perhaps even some succulents to give your coldest areas a nice bit of color.

Which Plants Are Best To Grow For The Best Cold Tolerance?

At What Temperature Should I Bring My Aloe Plant Inside?

Aloe plants are sensitive to temperature changes, so it’s important to keep them inside an area that’s neither too hot nor too cold.

Put the plant in water for an hour and check the temperature of the water. See if the plant will stay alive under the hot water. 

What Are The Most Effective Ways To Test The Cold Tolerance Of Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is easy to grow. If you live in the Midwest, you can find the plants for sale all year long. 

How To Care For The Aloe Plant In The Winter?

Cold tolerance in aloe vera leaves is not limited to one temperature. Aloe vera leaves can withstand a wide range of temperatures, depending on the species of aloe vera you’re using. 


How Cold Can Aloe Tolerate? Surprising Facts About The Aloe Vera Cold Tolerance