How To Care For A Venus Fly Trap

Venus flytrap also is known as Dionaea muscipula, is one of the most popular carnivorous plants. The plant is a native of North and South Carolina.

Venus Fly Trap Care

Indirect sunlight: Venus flytrap will do well with indirect sunlight. Expose your Venus flytrap to at least 4 hours of sunlight and at most 12 hours of sunlight.

Venus flytrap thrives in damp soil. However, excess water can cause the rotting of roots. Your Venus fly trap should be grown in a plastic pot with good drainage.

Water and moisture

If you wish to plant your Venus flytrap in a pot, you should plant them with drainage holes to allow easy passage of water. It will also reduce excess water which can cause root rot.

Drainage holes pot

Soil type

Grow your Venus flytrap in acidic sandy soil. Make use of sphagnum peat moss to help your plant with water holding capacity and acidity.

Venus flytrap can catch insects and feed by themselves when they are outdoors. However, if you grow them indoors, you might need to feed them a couple of times if you ...

Feeding Your Venus Fly Trap

Too much fertilizer or nutrient is actually bad for your Venus flytrap. In fact, you do not need to fertilize your Venus flytrap. They do wonderfully well without the ...

Fertilizing the Venus Fly Trap

How To Care For A Venus Fly Trap

On that note, we do hope you have learned one or more things on how to care for a Venus flytrap. If you have any questions, kindly drop a comment below and we will give you a quick reply.
