How To Get Rid Of ZZ Plant Black Spots On Stem 

Looking to get rid of pesky ZZ plant black spots on stem? Check out our easy-to-follow guide for tips and tricks to have your plant looking healthy again in no time!

What Are Black Spots On A ZZ Plant?

The black spots on a ZZ plant stem are called galls. These spots are caused by the same fungus that causes powdery mildew, but in this case, it is the opposite end of the life cycle.

Black spots are probably due to nutrient deficiency. Your soil might be too acidic or too alkaline. You can test it by adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to one gallon of water.

What Causes Black Spots On A ZZ Plant?

How To Fix ZZ Plant Black Spots On Stem?

Keep your Plant in a Well-ventilated Area. Spray Fungicide on the Affected Stems.  Stop Misting your ZZ Plant Leaves.  If Growing in a Pot, Keep the Soil Dry. Move your Plant to a Shaded Area ...

Prevention Tips For A ZZ Plant Black Spots On Stem

A ZZ plant is a very popular indoor houseplant, but it can have a few problems.

The term "black spot" can refer to any type of injury or disease, such as the black lesions caused by Botrytis cinerea, or to the so-called chlorotic streaks. 


What do black spots on plant stems mean?

The ZZ plants may turn back on the stems if they completely rot and are about to die.

Do ZZ plants turn black?

It is common to see ZZ plant black spots on stem but the good thing is they can be taken care of as early as to make them disappear.  Try the above steps today and let us know what works for you.


How To Get Rid Of ZZ Plant Black Spots On Stem