How To Grow Roses From Cuttings Using Potatoes

We are going to be talking about how to grow roses from cuttings using potatoes. We will also uncover some truths about this method. You might be struggling with growing roses from cuttings using potatoes without success. Not too worry, we will help you with some gardening tips on doing it the right way. So read on to find out.

Let’s discuss a simple experiment on how to grow rose from cuttings using potatoes. But first, let us list out what you might need for this procedure. Items needed: healthy budding rose stem with flowers on it, potatoes...

Experiment on How to Grow Roses From Cuttings Using Potatoes


After about 3 to 4 weeks, we can now check the result of our experiment. .

The potato rose cutting may not have worked, but here is an effective way of growing rose from cuttings:

Effective Way of Rooting Rose Cuttings

Growing Rose from Cuttings Without The Use of Potatoes

What you need to do for effective growth of rose from cutting is to dip the cut stem into a good potting soil mix...

Bottom Line

Just as we have outlined, growing roses from cuttings using potatoes are not so effective. Rather, growing a rose from cuttings without the use of potato will give a healthy and reliable result.
