Forget-me-nots grow pretty easily. If you’re planning to thicken your landscape with small flowering plants, it’s a good option. This ornamental can grow around 30 centimeters long. It’s a perfect ground cover supporting the soil with its root system.
Start with certified seeds. It’s best to use them for planting because you can be sure that it’s clean, pure and has superb quality. Check it’s germination rate and expiry date to make sure it’s viable.
Quality and Availability
Forget-me-nots have a long list of varieties you can choose from. Consider certain features such as characteristics, color, size, and its growing requirements.
Soil MixPreparing good media that has a good combination of garden soil and organic matter will ease germination.Soil Moisture
Once proper soil mix is established, water the seedbeds just before sowing. This is to imitate a wet environment where they love to thrive.
May or June is the perfect sowing time. You would not want your seeds to suffer from frosting, that’s why.
Although overcrowding isn’t much of an issue, maintaining a proper distance would be good to save seeds. At least maintain a 4-inch distance in between holes. You can put a wider distance if you plan to allow the plants to do self-seeding.
Mulching and Watering
Add 2 inches of mulch on top of seedbeds to conserve moisture. This will help the seeds germinate faster.
Thinning and Weeding
Make enough space for the strongest seedlings by thinning. Retain those that are healthier, taller, and thicker.
With the proper environment, forget-me-nots grow well. They are not susceptible to pests and diseases so it will not require so much work. Flowering occurs after a year.