How To Prune A Peace Lily

How to prune a peace lily? Peace lilies are beautiful flowers often used as indoor decorations. They are adaptable and low-maintenance, meaning gardeners who possess all levels of experience can manage to keep one alive for a long time.

1. Deadheading

Deadheading is a common element of pruning, including for peace lilies. This process is when individuals cut away dead flowers to make room for fresh ones. It is a crucial process for many plants, but especially annuals and perennials that will continue to flower throughout the growing season.

Whether or not a peace lily is kept indoors will depend on the individual, but it’s important not to leave any trimmings behind.  According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), peace lilies are toxic to cats and dogs. Leaves, petals, stems, and other elements should not be left behind after trimming, as they might be consumed by pets or stray animals looking for a snack.

2. Avoid Leaving Trimmings

Hand pruners are the best type to use because they are small and scissor-like. Using a larger set would be overkill since peace lilies do not grow very large. To find a good pair of hand pruners, consider going to a dedicated gardening store. They will have a wide variety.

3. What to Use

How Often Do You Water A Peace Lily?

Whether or not you prune is ultimately your decision, but there are numerous benefits to doing so. While it isn’t necessary, regular pruning ensures the flower remains healthy and can stop the spread of illness or bacteria from one infected leaf to another.
