Aloe plant also knows as Aloe Vera is a shallow and wide rooted plant. Aloe plant has numerous tuber roots. The shallow root enables the aloe plant to absorb a sufficient amount of water.
You can root your aloe plant by either cutting the leaf or separating the babies called aloe pups. However, the more successful method is the pup method. The pup method will give you a quicker result for your aloe plant propagation.
How to Root an Aloe Plant from Leave Cutting— Cut the aloe leaf to the length of about 3.5 inches. Cut with a very clean knife to avoid the risk of infection.— The leaf should be left in a warm place for about 2 weeks. This is done so a film can be formed over the cut part.— Prepare your pot material or a growing bag. Make sure they have enough holes at the bottom for water drainage.
How to Propagate an Aloe Plant by Pup Method— Identify the parent plant and separate the aloe pups from the baby plants. Note that the root of the aloe baby plant that was separated from the parent plant must have a complete root system.— Get your pot or grow bag. There should be some holes at the base of the pot for drainage.— Load your pot with cactus soil. You can decide to fill the base of the pot with gravel before filling with cactus soil. The gravel will help with drainage.
The juicy leave from the aloe plant has some great benefits. Therefore planting one can be of good significance to you. Caring for your aloe plant is crucial so they can thrive for a long time. As such, rooting is one of the basic cares of an aloe plant.