The famous Christmas cactus blooms around the Christmas season. Endowed with bright salmon, red flowers, and intricate pads, it stands out from other plants.
The toxicity or non-toxicity of a Christmas cactus depends on how you have grown your plant. ASPCA plant database shows that the Christmas cactus on its own is not poisonous to cats. But the chemicals and insecticides used on the plant could be toxic.
The Christmas cactus though classified as poisonous does not pose a threat to adults. However, though safe, no parts of the plant should be consumed. The sat that comes out of the leaf-like phylloclade can cause skin irritation.
Cats are Curious. Curiosity killed the cat is not just an idiom but a true statement in relation to cats! Cats are naturally curious. They go to extreme lengths to quench their curiosity thirst.
Cats are Curious. Curiosity killed the cat is not just an idiom but a true statement in relation to cats! Cats are naturally curious. They go to extreme lengths to quench their curiosity thirst.
To Itch. Cats love to rub their bodies on anything in sight. If the cat is feeling itchy, it may rub itself on the cactus for relief.
We draw one conclusion from the argument is Christmas cactus poisonous to cats. This conclusion states that the Christmas cactus is not poisonous! What they do is cause digestion issues to your pet if it chews on it.