Is Epsom Salt Good For Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Is Epsom salt good for fiddle leaf fig or if it should not be used in this plant at all? To learn all about Epsom salt and where you can use it, it’s best to look at this article.

About Fiddle Leaf

The fiddle leaf fig is a deciduous tree native to the east coast of Australia. The leaves are oval-shaped and grow in clusters on the branches. 

Some people have confirmed using Epsom salt to keep fiddle leaf figs healthy. The only problem with Epsom salt is that it’s a bit too heavy for most fiddle leaf figs, which like to be in the lighter soil

Is Epsom Salt Good For Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Fiddle Leaf Fig – Uses For Epsom Salt

There are many different uses for Epsom salt. But it is important to understand what Epsom salt is before using it. It is an alkaline salt that is used in many home remedies. 

Epsom salt good for fiddle leaf fig is not recommended as we have seen it has adverse effects on this plant.  


Is Epsom Salt Good For Fiddle Leaf Fig?