Ponytail Palm Care Indoors

The ponytail palm is a very popular houseplant and managing indoor ponytail palm care isn’t a difficult task...

How To Care For A Ponytail Palm

1. Ponytail Palm Positioning 2. Ponytail Palm Watering 3. Ponytail Palm Potting And Fertilization 4. Ponytail Palm Trimming

Your ponytail palm needs at least three to four hours of sun every day. This plant originated in eastern Mexico and it’s accustomed to warmer climates. When you’re setting your plant, make sure that it’s facing a southern or a western window...

Ponytail Palm Positioning

Ponytail Palm Watering

Watering is probably the most sensitive aspect of maintaining a ponytail palm. Overwatering or underwatering a ponytail palm are two of the most common mistakes plant owners make!...

You don’t need to worry about fertilization too much. Botanists recommend that you fertilize the ponytail palm from spring to autumn with organic houseplant fertilizer. These palms don’t grow too quickly, so you shouldn’t worry if your plant isn’t growing...

Ponytail Palm Potting And Fertilization

Even though the leaves of a ponytail palm are sensitive, you should feel free to trim them. This can help you achieve the shape you want your plant to have. The tips of the leaves will often go black with time and you should cut them off with scissors...

Ponytail Palm Trimming

Even though this plant originated in many different states in eastern Mexico, it is now only found in the state of Veracruz. These plants can live for a very long while, with one plant in Mexico registered to be 350 years of age...


Ponytail Palm Care Indoors