Reasons White Spots Have Appeared On Palm Leaves & Treatment

Many of us have seen those white spots on palm leaves. We can assume that they are caused by a serious infestation.

How to get rid of white spots on palm leaves?

You can get rid of white spots in palm leaves in a number of ways. 

What are the white spots on a palm tree leaves?

They are usually due to an insect infestation or a fungal infection such as from powdery mildew.

What causes brown and white spots on indoor palm leaves that are wipeable?

Brown spots on the leaced of palm trees can be caused by overwatering the plant, as well as the level of fluoride in the water used for irrigation.

What to do about white spots on leaves of palm tree?

You can also use a homemade mix of equal parts water, vinegar and a few drops of tea tree oil to treat the fungal infection.

In conclusion, you could also try to spray them off with a homemade remedy.

Reasons White Spots Have Appeared On Palm Leaves & Treatment

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