Simple Tips To Extend The Life Of A Tomato Plant 

Tomato is regarded as a perennial crop because of its capability of surviving throughout the year. 

How long do tomato plants live in a greenhouse?

The duration of tomato in a greenhouse can be as long as 3 years or even 5 years. 

This is thanks to the fact that they plant have acess to all year round controlled temperature and humidity. 

How long do tomato plants live in a greenhouse?

How long can a tomato plant stay alive?

The general lifespan of a tomato is 6 to 8 months. And it can sometimes extend to a year or more if it doesn’t get hit by frost or affected by disease.

It is rare for tomato plants to be regrown every year. There are two different scenario to tomato plants: they either survive through winter or don’t. 

Do tomato plants regrow every year?

Tomato plants can be grown as annual and perennial but it will only be grown as perennial if it survives frost. 

Do tomato plants regrow every year?

Can tomato plants live year after year?

With the right care and condition, they can live for several years. 

Can tomato plants live year after year?

This can be done by prolonging their lifespan through different means like propagation, growing them in greenhouses,  and more.

The general lifespan for a tomato plant is 6 to 8 months. But under good growing conditions, they can possibly live as long as 2 to 5 years.

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