If you live in an area that has heavy snow in winter, it is critical to own a snow removal tool for roofs to help clear snow from your roofs. Excessive roof snow is dangerously heavy and can form destructive ice dams. The snow roof rake can clean your roof of any snow, leaving it safe and dry.
A roof rake is an excellent tool to help you clear off the excess snow from your roof. It comprises a blade and an extending handle. These are the two most important things to consider when buying one.
The BladeThe roof rake blades come in two types:– A slicer – it functions like a cheese slicer– A scoop – it’s shaped like a traditional snow shovelSlicer-blade Snow RakeSlicer-blade roof rakes are operated by pushing them upward rather than pulling them downward. This blade operates against the grain, so it must have wheels or coasters to avoid damaging the shingles.
Scoop-blade Snow RakeThese blades are operated by placing them at the top of the roof and dragging them towards the ground. This movement allows the force of gravity to help you clear the snow.The Extending HandleBesides the blade, look for a rake that extends far enough to reach the roofline. It must also be light enough for you to lift it and use it comfortably. Most roof rakes come with an adjustable pole that can go up to 14 to 22 feet high and be shortened to 8 feet for storage purposes.