There are so many different types of rhododendrons and blooming times occur at different points throughout the year. It is common for most species of rhododendrons to bloom in spring while others in the fall and even winter.
Just as the blooming seasons vary, the length of time that a rhododendron bloom also varies. The amount of time it takes for this flower to grow from a bud to full bloom averages 3 weeks.
Even though these flowers have a decent long blooming season, unlike any other flowers, you may want to prolong their flowering so you enjoy them more.
1. Rhododendron Pleasant White – This variety is a dwarf, evergreen rhododendron with white flowers and does well in containers, a semi-shady border, or a small garden.2. Rhododendron Scintillation – This large shrub grows well over 2mans produces apricot and pink blooms that are very exotic and brightens up any area in part shade.3. ...
Now that you have learned a thing or two about the rhododendrons bloom, it’s time to grow them and expect a longer blooming period of these beautiful flowers.