Schedule your planting date around 3 weeks from your first frost in the fall. Pick a site in your garden that’s fully exposed to the sun. A partially sunny spot will work, but a shaded one won’t.
-Avoid dried bulbs; there’s a big chance they won’t bloom. Check them thoroughly for moldy and soft spots. -Don’t plant the daffodils in spaces where you have standing water. This will kill the bulbs before they grow.-Deadhead the daffodils before they form seeds.-Daffodils contain oxalic acid.
Water the daffodils daily, especially in spring when the temperatures rise. Fertilize them a couple of times a year; first when the shoots poke through the ground and then after the first blooms.
Plant daffodils in the fall a month to 2 weeks before the first frost. Pick high-quality, disease-free bulbs. Choose a bright spot in your garden that receives at least a half-day of sun.