Plant Iris Bulbs?" poster-portrait-src="">

When Should You Plant Iris Bulbs?

Irises belong to some of the most popular plants in the world, with many wondering when should you plant iris bulbs...

What Is The Best Time To Plant Iris Bulbs?

Most expert gardeners agree that it’s best to plant irises late in the summer. The reason for this primarily resides in night temperatures – you don’t want them to drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit!...

There are a few things to keep in mind before you ever plant these bulbs. Firstly, know that irises need a lot of sun to realize their full potential! 1. Choosing A Spot 2. Planting Iris Bulbs

How To Plant Iris Bulbs?

Caring For Your Irises

1. Fertilization 2. Watering 3. Lighting 4. Pruning

Experts recommend that irises be fertilized in early spring. You should use an all-purpose fertilizer, but make sure that you don’t use a fertilizer that’s high in nitrogen. This might cause rot!...


Put simply, you’ll cause root rot if you overwater your irises. Most plants can develop root rot for the same reason, so you have to be careful with this. It’s best to water regularly, especially during warmer months...


As we already mentioned – irises need a lot of light. This is why it’s best to plant these plants individually if you must. If other plants outgrow them and cast a shadow over them, irises will never grow to their full potential...


It’s best to plant your irises in late summer or early autumn. This way, they have plenty of time to get ready for winter, which is a difficult time for any plant. You should plant your irises in soil with good drainage and neutral to slightly acidic pH...


When Should You Plant Iris Bulbs?