Their urine has nitrates that hurt your green grass leaving it burned with bare lawn spots or discolored grass. The urine spots on the lawn happen because of the high amount of nitrogen and salts concentrated in their pee.
The best way to do this is to train your fur friend to relieve himself in a specific spot in your yard. Set aside an area with natural wood mulch so it blends well with the urine. Dogs respond well to training, the attention given and special praise or rewards they get for doing good things. Don’t forget to praise your dog when it learns how to use the spot designated for relieving itself.
How Do You Prevent Brown Spots On The Lawn From Dog Urine?
– Water It Down Immediately. When you notice your dog peeing on the grass, try to water it down immediately or as soon as they finish. Use a hose or a watering can to damp the area as best as possible. – Use A Lawn Repair Treatment. Sometimes it’s good to try and treat your grass before you dig it up. Lawn treatments use soil cleansers, and organic enzymes to flush the salts out.
– Fertilize And Water Your Grass. Using the right fertilizer will help bring the green coloring back to your yellow spots. Proper watering and irrigation will also revitalize the area.– Take Care Of Your Lawn. Regular watering and feeding your lawns will help keep them in the best condition and repair any pee damage easily.
– Dig It Out And Replant The Affected Area With Urine-Resistant Grass. Did you know there is urine-resistant grass? If you are growing Bermuda and Kentucky bluegrass, they are the most sensitive to urine. However, if you opt to grow Fescue and Ryegrass, they are the best resistant grass.