Why Is My Avocado Tree Not Growing New Leaves? -5 Reasons

The avocado tree is one of the many trees you can easily grow in your garden. It has been used for centuries as a food source, medicine, and wood.

Reason 1: It’s Too Cold To Grow New Leaves

The temperature of the soil where the avocado tree is growing is very important. If the temperature is low, the avocado tree will not grow new leaves.

The same thing can happen if the temperature is too high. The avocado tree needs a certain temperature for its growth. If the temperature is too high, the avocado tree will not grow new leaves.

Reason 2: It’s Too Hot To Grow New Leaves

Reason 3: The Roots Are Not Getting Enough Water

If the roots are not getting enough water, it will be very difficult for the avocado tree to grow new leaves. The avocado tree needs water so that it can grow new leaves.

After many years of growing your avocado tree, the soil near the If the soil is too hard, it will be very difficult for the avocado tree to grow new leaves.

Reason 4: The Soil Is Too Hard

The avocado tree is getting too much water will be very difficult for it to grow new leaves. The avocado tree needs water so that it can grow new leaves.

Reason 5: The Avocado Tree Is Getting Too Much Water

Now you know the reasons for your avocado tree not growing new leaves.  To ensure your avocado trees keep their leaves growing, ensure you provide it with the right growing conditions.


Avocado Tree Not Growing New Leaves