Last Updated on January 31, 2023 by Griselda M.
Ever wondered how to turn yellow grass green fast? The sight of yellowing grass is not very attractive. This is especially true for those who aim to keep a lush, thriving landscape that is attractive. I mean, who doesn’t like a green, healthy lawn? But sometimes, the problem of yellowing grass is unavoidable. This brings us to the question, what causes grass to turn yellow?
Grass can turn yellow for various reasons, some of which you may be aware of, and others, not so. In this blog post, we take a close look at the causes of yellow grass, find solutions on how to solve the problem, and give you tips to prevent such occurrences in the future. Let’s take a look below to find out more!
Why is My Grass Turning Yellow
So, the question is, why is my grass turning yellow? Seeing that there are various reasons why this could happen, let’s look at the most common reasons. Yellow or brown coloring in your lawn could mean a lack of nutrients, as is often reported. This means that your grass is stressed or ill and is therefore deteriorating. Nitrogen plays an important role in the health and growth of your lawn, and a lack of it could result in yellowing grass.
Another popular reason for discolored grass can be a lack of water or overwatering. If this is the case, then the problem of yellow grass can be quickly reversed. However, the main reason that I have seen as the cause of this is the incorrect soil composition which has detrimental results on lawn care and maintenance.
Also, look out for irrigation problems around your yard because a leaking water pipe can flaw all your garden plants if not quickly attended to. Your immediate attention in all instances is required if your want to revive your lawn. Otherwise, a build-up of mold and slime will lessen the chance of recovery. That is why you should always know how to turn yellow grass green fast to avoid a worse problem.
What Does Yellow Circles in Grass Mean
If you want to know what yellow circles in grass mean, then listen up. Spotted discolored grass indicates a deficiency that is commonly caused by a lack of nitrogen and iron. To know what nutrients your lawn is lacking, it is easy to tell by just monitor it. This is because yellow leaves and stunted growth indicate a lack of nitrogen; whereas, iron deficiencies result in rapid growth, whereby, the grass is unable to absorb nutrients at the demanded rate, and therefore discolors.
Other reasons for yellow circles in the grass could mean soil issues or a change in season. Whatever the case, if you notice that the discoloration is advancing and the lawn growth is flawed, testing the soil would be a good start to locating the root of the problem. If your lean is prone to color changes as the season pass, then it is best to not interfere with it.
Here are some tips:
- If soil issues are the problem, using the proper amendments to enrich it is recommended.
- Yellow lawns often revive with generous applications of a suitable fertilizer.
- You can also buy iron and nitrogen supplements that are mostly available online and in local home and garden centers, as it works well in restoring yellow or spotted grass.
- Keep in mind that if you have pets that urinate on the grass or you make use of chemicals like gasoline, then that could be the cause of the problem.
How to Fix Yellow Spots in Grass
Knowing how to fix yellow spots in the grass would be advantageous to get rid of the problem on your own. Hiring landscaping specialists to revive deteriorating grass can sometimes cost an arm and a leg. To avoid this, and get the job done efficiently, here are a few ideas to fix your flawed lawn.
Fixing yellow lawn spots:
- – The provision of nitrogen works well for fixing yellow lawns. To do this successfully, it is best to feed your grass small amounts of nitrogen by applying a slow-release fertilizer. This will aid in reviving your lawn to its former glory. Other great sources of nitrogen include composted manure, soil amendments that are plant-based, or opting to plant crops that are high in nitrogen to feed the lawn.
- – If you notice yellow grass spots, you should stop any night watering schedules if you want to fix your lawn. This will reduce soil and grass moisture which will eventually prove beneficial.
- – Alleviating compactions and improving soil drainage are key aspects of reviving your lawn. To do this, affording lawns ample aeration by removing excess thatch is recommended.
- – Mowing is another great strategy for fixing yellow lawns. This should be done vigorously in the first half of the day, which gives grass blades ample time to heal thereafter.
What is the Best Fertilizer for Yellow Grass
I have often been asked, what is the best fertilizer for yellow grass? Fertilizers that are rich in nitrogen and phosphorous are best to revive discolored lawns. Not only do these essential elements enhance growth and vigor, but it also stimulates root health which results in a lush green landscape.
However, when using the best fertilizer for a yellow lawn, timing the application is important for favorable results. Thereafter, applying an early spring lawn fertilizer once during February through April is best. This period is the active growth stage of your lawn and it is the recommended time to feed it.
Here are a few recommended lawn fertilizers for yellow grass:
- Miracle-Gro Lawn Food
- Scotts Green Max Fertilizer
- Milorganite 0636 Fertilizer
- Scotts Turf Builder
- Safer Brand 9333 Ringer Fertilizer
Why is My Bermuda Grass Turning Yellow
Why is my Bermuda grass turning yellow? I wondered the same for a while until I did some digging to find out the reason for the discoloration. If you live in a region that experiences heavy rains, the cause could be rapid Bermuda grass growth caused by excess moisture, which puts the plant under pressure to take up nutrients at a faster rate. This alone can cause so many problems with your lawn, including color changes.
However, yellow Bermuda grass could also just mean a seasonal change, as these grasses are prone to changing color in the fall and winter months. This is because Bermuda is actually a grass that prefers warmer seasons, as is evident in its lush growth. Parts of your lawn that don’t have ample sun exposure may also turn yellow.
This can be seen when Bermuda grass gets too long and the sun cannot reach the bottom half of it. Thereafter, a brown or yellow color change should be expected. For this reason, regular mowing is recommended, as Bermuda grass is a fast grower when afforded the right conditions.
What is the Cause of Yellow Grass
The first thing you want to do is to identify what causes your grass to turn yellow. Below are some of the few reasons why your grass is turning yellow.
- Too Much Nitrogen; nitrogen is essential for plants, but too much nitrogen can predispose your grass to turn yellow. Excess nitrogen can burn the root of your grass thereby changing the pH of the spoil.
- Side Note: dog urine is composed of a high level of nitrogen. This can cause yellow spots on your grass thereby causing discoloration.
- Hot Weather: too much heat can cause dehydration to your lawn thus causing it to stress out. This can cause patches of yellow grass on your lawn.
- Over-Watering: too much watering of your lawn can make them turn yellow. Overwatering can suffocate your plant making it less likely to absorb nutrients. It can also expose your lawn to fungal-causing diseases.
- Lawn Disease: identifying a grass disease is important for you to determine the cause of yellow spotting. If you notice some irregular pattern then it might be a disease. Fungal-causing diseases can turn your grass yellow.
- Pest: pest can also predispose your grass to turn yellow. Insects or larvae can attack your grass-root causing it to turn yellow.
- Lack of Some Basic Nutrients: nutrient deficiencies in iron and nitrogen can cause your grass to turn yellow.
- Dormancy: your grass can go dormant to protect itself. There is nothing to worry about dormancy; it will come back up during the ideal season.
How to Turn Yellow Grass Green Fast
Here are some things you can do to solve the yellowing of your grass.
- Nitrogen: to the affected parts, water in deeply to wash off the excess nitrogen and continue to water every week. As you are washing off the nitrogen, some other nutrients are been washed off. Therefore, you will need to replenish lost nutrients after successfully washing off the excess nitrogen. Also, train your to urinate elsewhere and wash off any dog urine immediately. You can apply a urine neutralizer.
- Disease and Watering: treat your infested grass with a good fungicide. Water at the right time i.e. morning time so the water gets to sink in and the rest evaporates during the rest of the day. Also, mow your lawn and clear all debris, this will help aerate the soil.
- Nutrient: after soil testing to confirm nutrient deficiencies, simply supply your grass with the correct amount of nutrients. That will solve the problem.
Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Lawn Food
Yellow Spots on Grass- Additional Information
Keeping a healthy lawn is the key to avoiding the yellowing of grass. Maintaining healthy green grass comes with dedication. Therefore affording your grass constant care will give you a lush lawn. Remember to mow Bermuda grass and other varieties at the right time, water deeply and correctly, remove excess grass clippings, and supply the right amount of fertilizer to your lawn for the best results. Now that you have learned how to turn yellow grass green fast, putting in the work will afford you an eye-catching landscape.
Eunice is a gardener who loves to play in the dirt. She starts her day early in the morning, watering her plants and tending to her garden. She loves the smell of freshly cut grass and the feeling of sunshine on her back as she works. She‘s a master at creating beautiful flower arrangements and can often be found humming a tune as she tends to her plants. When she‘s not gardening, she loves to read books about nature and share her knowledge with others. Eunice loves gardening so much that she‘s even been known to talk to her plants!