A Potent Combination: The Best Way to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

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Last Updated on August 11, 2020 by Tony Manhart

Many people enjoy the summer because of its long days, opportunities for sunbathing, and overall hot temperatures. However, there is a major downside: the mosquitoes. After the initial breeding period for these pesky insects, the summer months are the time when the insect population is in full swing. And your yard is in danger of being invaded. So, how to get rid of mosquitoes?

You might be confused about the best way to get rid of mosquitoes. But the answer is an easy to use and potent combination of methods. In particular, it’s time to bring out the sprays and natural control to create an environment that is pleasant for you but inhospitable for these winged pests.

Why Should You Eliminate Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are winged insects that live throughout the world and are well-known for transmitting deadly diseases. These are malaria, West Nile virus, Yellow Fever, and the recent Zika virus. Only the females suck blood, but they create itchy rashes and bumps in addition to potentially spreading bacteria and viruses. This makes them a terrifying threat to the health and safety of many.

The biggest reason to eliminate mosquitoes is so they don’t have a chance to irritate you and your friends and family with their bites. It is also a major safety effort, especially for individuals who live in marshy or tropical regions. The viruses and disease spread by mosquitoes, even when treated, can lead to more potentially deadly complications years later, including meningitis and others.

Besides these basics, mosquitoes can also just be a nuisance. How often have you gotten a bug bite, been itchy for days, or maybe even broken out in an uncomfortable rash? Nobody wants to deal with the hassle of being bitten and then being in pain or itchy for the next week.

How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Since mosquitoes are such a significant threat, the best way to get rid of these pests in your yard is to use a combination of methods. In particular, the two most popular are pesticide sprays and implementing non-chemical methods of natural best control.

Why Sprays are Effective to Kill Mosquitoes

Mosquito sprays often take the form of foggers. These foggers convert the liquid into a deadly mist that eliminates mosquitoes without harming humans and other animals when used correctly. Many communities often have patrolling trucks that spray in the evening, especially in areas with many mosquito populations.

Why Should You Eliminate Mosquitoes?

Sprays tend to be effective because they incorporate numerous chemicals designed to target the nervous system of mosquitos. Permethrin is one of the most common substances and is used in a variety of pest control sprays and products. Permethrins, in particular, are meant to target insects’ nerves so they shut down and the pest dies. It can be spread in food sources to other pests, making it a popular choice in areas with major population problems.

Individuals often worry about using sprays because they fear potential side effects. The truth is, when a spray or fogger is used properly, there is no danger in regular use. Just remember to wait for the pesticide to dissipate before going outside. 

Check these insect control products for the garden:

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in The Yard Naturally

Here, natural pest control doesn’t necessarily mean ‘non-toxic’ or ‘environmentally friendly,’ although it is often both. Instead, natural pest control refers to the concept of integrated pest management. In integrated pest management, insects like mosquitoes are controlled through biological control, habitat manipulation, and other methods.

Integrated pest management, also called IPM, is used by professional pest controllers to try to manage large populations. However, many of their methods can be implemented on a smaller scale by you at home. Basically, the goal is to make small changes in your yard that stop mosquitoes from making their homes there and feeding on you and your family.

Perhaps the most basic form of IPM is controlling the habitat. For mosquitoes, this means eliminating stagnant water sources. If you have pools of water in your yard, mosquitoes will gladly roost and breed in them because they need the moisture for their eggs and larvae. To prevent this from happening, keep fountains and pools running or close them down altogether. If you live in a marshy area, eliminate standing groundwater by regularly tending to the yard. 

Another good method is manicuring plants regularly so they don’t have a chance to become overgrown and damp. When vegetation reaches this point, it creates an excellent environment for mosquitoes to hide and once again spawn babies that will plague you for months. To better your odds, consider planting some natural repellents like citronella, basil, lavender, rosemary, and catnip.

Why Multiple Methods Should Be Used

A major problem when trying to battle any pest is sheer numbers. There are almost eight billion humans on the planet, and we are vastly outnumbered by insects. For context, there are over 10 trillion ants, and mosquitoes outnumber humans as well. They also have short lifespans, which means their populations adapt quickly over time. So, it only takes a couple of decades for mosquitoes to become resistant to pesticides and other previously effective measures.

Combining methods is thus the best way to handle a large population without putting all of your eggs in one basket. Consider investing in a fogger to spray regularly while also keeping up with the maintenance for your yard. Combined, the sprays and integrated pest management will keep the bloodsuckers at bay while you enjoy an evening outdoors. 

If you are still worried about the situation, though, you can always wear a bug spray when outdoors. Also, consider burning some citronella candles on the porch. Both products are designed to be unpleasant for mosquitoes without killing them, but they can prevent bites and ensure you stay safe. 


Mosquitoes feel like an ever-present threat during the summer, but they don’t have to be. To stop them from invading your yard and making you feel uncomfortable in your own home, the best thing to do is to combine multiple methods. At present, experts recommend using a tried and approved pesticide in combination with regular lawn maintenance and management to ensure you can spend some time outside without losing blood.

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