Aloe Plant With Long Stem: What Does It Mean?

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Last Updated on September 2, 2022 by Cristina

An Aloe plant with long stem isn’t a common occurrence. If your plant has uneven stalks, find out why here!

Aloe Vera plants are one of the most popular succulents. Their branches grow differently but are almost always the same length. In this article, I explain how a healthy Aloe Vera plant should look, why your plant might have an extra long stem, and what you can do when this happens. 

How Normal Aloe Veras Look

There are many different Aloe Vera plants. They don’t look alike, and you can choose between various sizes and colors. Some have short, thick stems, and others have longer, skinnier ones.

The stems of all Aloe Vera plants are very firm and known to grow vertically, shooting straight up. If your Aloe Vera is healthy, its limbs will grow about the same length, although the bottom stems will be slightly longer than the top ones. There should never be a stem on your Aloe Vera plant that looks like it doesn’t belong. 

An extra long stem amid short and healthy ones can indicate something wrong with your plant. Sometimes your whole bushy aloe plant will be full of dull and hanging long stems. This means your entire plant is in distress. Fortunately, you can address the issue and have a healthy plant again. 

How Normal Aloe Veras Look

Aloe Plant With Long Stem: What Does It Mean?

If an abnormally long stem grows from your Aloe plant, it might be under some kind of distress. There are a few things that could be making your Aloe plant grow this way. 

Overwatering – Aloe Plant With Long Stem

Aloe Vera plants are used in dry and warm areas. They do best in environments where they live on occasional rainfall. You should try to keep watering your Aloe plants to a minimum. 

Aloe Veras keep excess water in their stems for future use. If you water them too frequently, they’ll have too much water and become soft. 

Soil that seems too damp means your Aloe plant is having trouble absorbing all the water you’re giving. A soft and squishy stem also means your plant has already drunk too much water.

Not Enough Sunlight 

Your Aloe Vera plant wants all the sunlight it can get. If you’re using your plant as a decor item or healing station indoors, you should ensure it’s on a windowsill that gets a lot of sun.

These succulents prefer direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight can leave your plant saggy.

High Temperatures – Aloe Plant With Long Stem

Despite their love of sunlight, harsh temperatures can cause the stems of your Aloe Vera plant to burn. If you live in an area with really high temperatures, choose a spot that gets some shade during the day.

The best spot for Aloe Veras is next to a window. This will ensure it gets enough direct sunlight but also some shade. 

If your Aloe plants are indoors, you should keep the temperatures low but not cold. You can regulate this with an air-conditioner or by opening windows to let a cool breeze in. 

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Aloe Plant With Long Stem


Fertilization is essential to your plant’s growth, but you shouldn’t overdo it! 

The chemicals in fertilizers can harm plants if too much is given. Your Aloe plant will sag, and its stems can turn brown. Your plant will look sad and might even drape over the sides of its pot. 

What To Do With An Aloe Vera’s Long Stem

Unfortunately, you can’t save the long stem on your Aloe Vera plant and get it back to normal. You can, however, take some measures to ensure that a new and healthy stem grows in its place. 

Trim The Long Stem

Trimming the long ones is the first thing you can do to create space for healthy stems. Cut the long stems off with pruning shears to ensure a clean cut at the base of your plant. 

The stem will no longer affect the rest of your Aloe Vera’s growth. Don’t worry about your Aloe looking a little naked at this stage. You’ll see a healthy new stem protruding in a few days. 

Repot Your Plant – Aloe Plant With Long Stem

If your Aloe Vera plant starts sagging, you can plant it into a larger pot.

You should also repot your plant into bigger pots as it grows. They don’t stay small and can become quite large!

A pot that is too large for your Aloe Vera plant can lead to mold growth, while a too small one can restrict horizontal growth. Always ensure your plant is in a pot that allows for growth. 

In Ending – Aloe Plant With Long Stem

Aloe Vera plants grow beautifully indoors and out. They only need sunlight, water, and love. With proper care, these will be the most low-maintenance plants you own! 

If your plant is unhealthy, you’ll have to eliminate the source of its problem. Then, you’ll need to prevent it from happening again.

I hope this article was helpful and that it answered all your questions. If you have any more, ask them in the comments.


How do you fix the long stem of an Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera stems should be discharged when they seem out of place. You can cut and use the stem if it hasn't turned brown. If it's unusable, simply prune it at the end of the plant base so a new one can grow.

How do you cut an Aloe Vera stem with long stems?

Use pruning shears to create a clean cut at the base of your Aloe Vera plant. Getting rid of long stems in this way will ensure space for a new one to grow.

Can you regrow Aloe from a stem?

New Aloe Veras successfully grow from a stem. Once you've cut a stem, let it dry out before planting it in a well-draining pot.

Why is my Aloe plant tall and skinny?

While some Aloe Vera plants are broad and thick, others are tall and skinny. There are different variants, so if your plant is tall and skinny all over, it's perfectly fine!

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