How Big Do Raspberry Bushes Get?

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Last Updated on January 28, 2022 by

If you plan to grow raspberries, do you know how big do raspberry bushes get or how tall these canes will grow?

Raspberries yield a phenomenal quantity of berries, and they fruit year after year with proper care.  You can harvest raspberries all the way from mid-summer all the way to the first frost.

These fruits come in various colors that include traditional red, black, yellow, and purple.  All the varieties require similar growing conditions, and they are easy to grow and maintain.

When you grow your raspberries, you will have a lot of fruit to make raspberry jam, raspberry liqueur, a fresh bowl of raspberries, and cream; the list is endless. Treat yourself to fresh berries straight from the plant and freeze what you can’t use right away.

Where To Plant Raspberries?

  • But how much sunlight do raspberries need? Raspberries thrive in a sunny area, but they also do well in a partially shaded spot.  Note – the more sun, the more fruit.
  • Plant on a site that has rich, well-drained soil, great air circulation, and sheltered from strong winds.  Avoid growing your raspberries in a waterlogged area; they don’t like standing water or arid ground.
  •  Feed your raspberry with a couple of inches of compost or aged manure to add some crucial nutrients.
  • Plant your raspberries far from wild growing berries; otherwise, you risk spreading wild pests and diseases to your cultivated plants.
  • Plant one-year-old raspberry canes from a reputable nursery in early spring once the ground warms up and can be worked on.
  • You can also plant them in late autumn in mild areas to give them a head start.

Read more about: How Many Raspberry Canes do I Need?

How Big Do Raspberry Bushes Get?

Raspberry can grow as tall as 4 to 8 feet high and 3 to 5 feet wide.  Most raspberry varieties easily reach up to a height of 4 feet or more.

When raspberry canes grow tall, there is a danger of falling over, especially if they have produced many fruits.  In some cases, you need to support your raspberry canes.  To keep your raspberries well supported, use trellis, support poles, or a fence to keep them from falling over as they grow.

rows of raspberry bushes

You can control your raspberry bushes’ height or width and make them manageable by pruning them to ensure good fruit production.

How Fast Do Raspberry Bushes Grow?

Most raspberry bushes will bear fruit 1 to 2 years after planting.  This means the taller varieties can grow 4 feet or more in a single year; the more reason you should stake them early.

Every year, a raspberry plant sends our new green canes known as primocanes.  These canes do not bear any fruit until early summer in the second year when they become floricanes.

Floricanes are fruit-bearing cones that have brown bark and are more firm than green canes.  They bear fruits for about 2 years and stop.  After the second year, these canes will not bear fruit; they should be cut down/pruned to make room for new growth.

Which Raspberry Plants Should I Grow?

There are many raspberry varieties; make sure you choose one that you can grow in your zone.  Most new gardeners do not know how to choose the right variety for their zone.  Checking the USDA zone hardiness map allows you to know the zone you are in and the variety that can do well in your zone.

The varieties you get to choose from include

Caroline Red Raspberry

This bush thrives in zones 5 to 8 producing large red fruit that matures in July and September.  It bears fruit in 1 to 2 years and grows up to 4 or 5 feet tall.

Crimson Night Raspberry

It grows in zones 4 to 8, producing medium to large purple fruit that matures in July and September.  This type bears fruit in 1 to 2 years and grows 5 to 8 feet tall.

Heritage Red Raspberry

This variety produces medium red fruit maturing in July and September.  It grows in zones 4 to 8 to 4 to 5 feet tall, bearing fruit in 1 to 2 years.

Double Gold Raspberry

This type does well in zones 4 to 8 producing medium orange fruit that matures around July to September through the frost season. This variety grows 5 to 8 feet tall and bears fruit in 1 or 2 years.

Himbo Top Primocane Red Raspberry

It produces extra-large red fruit maturing in July and September.  This variety does well in zones 3 to 8 growing up to 4 to 5 feet tall and bearing fruits in 1 to 2 years.

Royalty Purple Raspberry

This type thrives in zones 4 to 8, bearing extra-large purple fruit that matures in August.  The fruit bears the royal color, no wonder the name.  It grows 4 to 5 feet tall and produces fruit 1 to 2 years after planting.

Munger Black Raspberry

This variety produces large black fruit that matures in August.  They do well in zones 4 to 8 like the royalty type and grows up to 4 to 5 feet tall, bearing fruit in 1 to 2 years after planting.

These entire raspberry varieties are self-pollinating, meaning you can plant only one plant to get fruit. However, one plant might not be enough if you love raspberries.  You will want a bountiful harvest from several plants, so go ahead and plant as many as you wish.

Where Does Raspberries Grow Conclusion

When you are new to growing raspberry plants, it is wise to start with just a few raspberry plants to observe how well they thrive.  After you have reaped the rewards of growing your own berries, you may want to expand and grow more.

If this is the case, leave some room right at the beginning for your additional berry plants. This space will help you grow your berries in one area of your garden without hindering the existing raspberry plants or anything else you are growing in your garden.

Now, you have a much better idea of how tall your raspberry bushes can grow.  You also know the need to support your plants early on in their growth cycle to keep them straight and steady.  Pruning helps your plants bear more fruits so that you can do this with ease.

We hope this article is helpful in your raspberry growing journey; if so, go ahead and share it with your gardener friends who can use this information.


How tall and wide do raspberry bushes get?

These are questions which we often hear when we talk about growing raspberries in our home gardens. I’ve had several people ask me how I grow so many raspberries and so much fruit. Some of them are shocked at the size and volume of my raspberry plants, but others think it is just an easy plant to grow.

Raspberries are typically 30 to 60 cm high, depending on the variety, with a spread of 15 to 30 cm. Raspberry plants start out as small shrubs that grow in clumps up to 5 m wide, so they need plenty of room to grow. The flowers are white, and you can find them hanging in bunches, just like strawberries.

I would say that you're looking at about 2' by 4' (60 cm by 120 cm) if you're trying to grow it in a pot.

How much space does a raspberry bush need?

Raspberries can be grown in pots, in containers or in the ground. They will do best if they are planted in full sun. They are easy to grow and can be trained into a wide variety of shapes and sizes, including small shrubs. Raspberries are extremely hardy and will grow in any conditions. The bush should be about three feet tall when first planted, and three feet wide at the base.

The roots of raspberries are shallow, so the roots do not go below 6 inches. 

What do you need to consider in order to ensure that they grow th fastest?

There are several things to consider when deciding where to plant your raspberries.

The most important is the soil type. This is the most important factor because the soil type will determine how the raspberries grow. The soil must be rich, loose, well drained and contain organic matter. You also need to know if the area has been used for growing other crops. If you live in an area where there are many other plants, then it’s a good idea to consider planting your raspberries in a different spot. If you don’t have enough space for all of the plants you want to grow, you can grow them in containers.


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