How Often Should I Water Aloe Vera?

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Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by Urska

Question: How often should I water aloe vera plants?  In addition, how much water should I give them during the watering schedule?

Watering plants is an important aspect that helps plants get the right nutrients and thrive. Aloe plants are drought-tolerant succulents, but they also need water, just like other plants.

These succulents are healthier and have a beautiful appearance when they are well moisturized.  Aloe vera thrives in warm and dry climatic conditions and can grow indoors as a houseplant in cold climates.  It’s a highly forgiving plant but requires partial sunlight and enough water.

This plant is known for its culinary and medicinal uses.

How To Water Aloe Vera The Right Way

Aloe plants do not need much water as they naturally grow in hot and arid conditions like other succulent plants.

Their watering needs are low compared to many other plants.  Too much water will cause root rot and death to this plant.

How To Water Aloe Vera The Right Way

Keep an eye on your aloe vera plant always to understand if your watering schedule is working well for the plant.  If the leaves look droopy, brown, and feel soft, it can indicate overwatering.

If they appear dry, discolored, and puckered, it means they need more water.  Or it can be stress from too much heat. You should also take into account the factors that affect how often you need to water your Alo Vera plant:

  • Season
  • Pot size
  • Amount of light
  • Humidity level

How Often To Water Aloe Vera

How often you water your aloe vera depends on various factors that include:

The location you are growing it – outdoors under full sun, under shade, or indoors.

Is it growing in a pot or a garden?

If you are growing it in full sun, you will need more water than indoors.  Water your plant every week without fail during summer and reduce the watering during the cooler seasons.

If you grow it indoors or under shade, the aloe vera plant can go for a month without water.

If you grow more than one aloe plant in the same pot, they will become thirsty and dry up fast if you don’t water them adequately.

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Watering Aloe Vera Plants In The Garden

If you plan to grow your aloe plants in the garden, you will require supplemental watering frequently.  These plants tend to absorb water from the soil and hold it in their leaves for a long time. It is, therefore, good practice to water them every 2 to 3 weeks if the soil looks dry.

Watering Aloe Plants Growing In A Pot

Before you plant your aloe in a pot, ensure it has enough drainage holes at the bottom.  Observe the soil and touch it to feel if it’s moist or dry before watering it again. Suppose it does not have enough moisture, water it well.  If you are using a small pot, you will need more frequent watering.

Signs To Watch Out For Excessive Or Inadequate Watering

Excessive watering for aloe plants could cause root rot killing these beautiful and useful plants.

Watering an aloe plant can be tricky since they easily suffer from too much or too little watering.  They can shrivel and die when provided with little water or die from root rot when given too much water.

Perfect watering techniques eliminate any problems. Using proper soil mixture works magic for these plants providing good aeration.

An aloe plant getting too much water wilts and becomes darkened.  It has blistered cells in the leaves, which indicate edema where too much water is absorbed.

You may also notice mould in the soil soft spots in the stems that indicate too much moisture.

Aloe Vera Watering Tips To Help You

Water your plants once in two to four weeks, depending on the season.  It can survive without water for a long time.

Ensure you water infrequently but deeply until the water starts to drain out from the bottom of the pot.

If your aloe plant grows in the garden, it can go for about 2 to 3 weeks.

In summer, water your plants more frequently, at least every week, to keep them from drying.

If you grow aloe plants in a hot climate or under the harsh sunlight, water it every 4-5 days during summer.

It is best to use distilled or filtered water for irrigation.  If you choose tap water, ensure that it sits overnight to let the chlorine evaporate.

Aloe Vera Watering Tips To Help You


During winter, reduce watering to ½ or ¼ compared to summer—only water when the soil is dry.

Before watering, poke your index finger in the soil to feel the amount of moisture in the soil.  If the soil feels dry, water it accordingly.

If you notice your plant is overwatered and rotting, pull it out and lay it out on dry soil under indirect sunlight.  After observing it for a few days, replant it in dry succulent soil.  Do not water it for the first few days or a week after planting.

Find more information about Aloe Plant Temperature: Can It Survive Below 55°F


How do I know when to water my aloe plant?

Aloe plants require daily attention. They need sunlight, but the sun’s rays can harm their delicate leaves. Also, they need a regular supply of water and fertilizer. Aloe plants should be watered at least once a week in warm weather and twice a week in cooler weather. Watering the plant daily is not recommended because the plant may suffer root damage from too much water.

Aloe plants are very sensitive to the environment, so they should be moved only when the temperature is warmer than 70 degrees Fahrenheit and the ground is not frozen. It’s best to keep the plant in a well-ventilated area with good air circulation. Aloe plants are most commonly grown indoors. Aloe plants that are grown outdoors will have better coloration, but they may require more care. If you choose to grow aloe plants outside, make sure you provide adequate sunlight and good air circulation.

Do aloe plants need direct sunlight?

Aloe vera does best in partial shade and does not like direct sun. It has a very shallow root system. So it is recommended that you plant Aloe vera in a well-drained, sunny location. Water regularly, but not excessively. Keep the soil evenly moist at all times, but do not allow the soil to become soggy. Regular fertilization is not necessary.

Where is the best place to put an aloe vera plant?

Aloe vera is drought-tolerant and will do well in most soils. It does best in warm climates with some sun and regular watering.

They need to be in bright light with good air circulation, so that the leaves can dry. They are happiest in hot sunny climates (I have a houseplant from Florida). I would keep them out of direct sunlight and move them to a shaded spot when they get too wilted. They also like lots of water. The leaves will drop off if they get too much sun.

Aloe vera is a slow grower, so space plants about 1 foot (30cm) apart.

Should I cut the brown tips off my aloe plant?

Yes, you can do it. The brown tips are known as the "spines".

How fast does aloe vera grow?

Aloe vera is a succulent that grows quickly, often up to 10 inches per week. Most of the time it can grow faster than you want to. But it does not need much light and can survive in partial shade. It grows best in warm climates, but you can also grow it indoors. Aloe Vera is a perennial plant, so it can stay alive for many years, if cared for properly. Aloe Vera has become an important part of modern medicine.

Can I put my aloe plant outside in the summer?

Yes, if you live in a climate with moderate to high humidity and temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind that it’s always best to keep your plant inside during the winter months. If you have the opportunity to grow your aloe plant outside, it’s best to place it in an area that gets at least six hours of sunlight per day and has adequate water.

If you are looking to plant your own aloe vera, there are a few things you should know first. First, it is a very forgiving plant and will grow in a variety of soils. This means that you can plant it in your garden or in containers if you have space. You also need to make sure that your soil drains well and has enough nutrients. Aloe vera does not require much maintenance once it has been planted, but it is important to keep it watered.

If you live in a part of the country with harsh winters, you might want to consider growing aloe vera indoors. It can survive in temperatures as low as 45 degrees. Aloe vera can be grown from seed, but this can take several years. If you are planning on planting your own aloe vera, you should know that it is easy to grow and can grow quickly. You can harvest your plants for their juice or to eat. You can also use the leaves in your garden. Plant aloe vera where it can receive sunlight.


It’s most likely by now, you have understood how often you should water your aloe vera plants.  There is no exact way to water these or other plants as it all depends on the climatic conditions, location, and season.

Should you realize you have planted your aloe plant in the wrong soil mix, you can go ahead and replant it.

An Aloe vera plant prefers well-aerated soil that drains well.  If you have in a mix that is too heavy, it will be subject to excess watering and root rot.

Your solution lies in replanting your aloe plant in the best succulent and cactus soil mix for proper draining so that the roots remain well aerated.

Even if you live in a cold area, you will enjoy growing this plant.  Just ensure it’s protected from too much rain or too much sun if you live in hot areas.  When it gets too cold, bring it indoors, so it survives through winter.

Don’t baby your aloe plant, even though you love it so much.  Try Aloe vera, it is straightforward to grow, and it looks great on your window.

Besides that, it cleans the air inside your house, making it a perfect plant to grow indoors!

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