A Guide On The Boston Fern Runners

Boston fern runners are easy to divide and propagate especially when dug from a mature growing plant.

Propagating Boston Fern Runners

Boston fern runners grow very quickly in the spring and summer months. They can be divided and propagated in the fall and winter months as well, however they will not grow as fast as the runners planted in the spring. 

If you have some Boston fern growing in your home, you can propagate more using the runners.

How To Divide Boston Fern Runners  – Step By Step Guide

Here Is A Step By Step Guide To Help You Do It!

Step 1: Remove the runners from the Boston ferns. You can do this either by pulling them out gently or by cutting them off.

Boston fern runners are easy to divide and grow.  With proper growing conditions, they will grow and do so well.  The perfect growing conditions include:

Growing Boston Fern Runners


What do Boston fern runners look like?

The Boston fern runners are green in color with a brown stripe.

Boston fern is very easy to propagate from seed and should be given a sunny spot in the garden. 

How to propagate Boston fern?

Boston ferns are fast-growing plants that are best suited for a warm, moist environment. 

How fast do Boston ferns grow?

The Boston fern runners as we have seen in this article are easy to divide and propagate providing you with more Boston fern plants. Boston fern is a beautiful type of fern that most people love to grow in their patios, balconies, indoors, and outdoors.


A Guide On The Boston Fern Runners