Are Asters Perennials Or Annuals?

Are asters perennials or annuals, or in what classification do you place these adorable flowers that fill your garden with beautiful blooms?

So Are Asters Annuals Or Perennials

Asters are fall-blooming perennials that you will love. This hardy plant comes in shades of pink, purple, blue, or lavender.

Asters come in a variety of heights ranging from 12 inches to four feet, and they work best in the back or front of borders, depending on their size. 

What Kind Of Asters Should You Plant – Annuals Or Perennials?

When Should You Plant Asters?

Plant your asters in the spring so they can bloom in the fall season. 

Perennial asters from the aster, symphyotrichum, stokesia are all Asteraceae or the daisy family.

Perennial Aster Species You Can Plant In Your Garden

The aromatic aster is a medium-sized native species with a mature height of about 1 to 3 feet and an equal spread.


The blue wood, also known as heart-leaved aster, is a native species with a mature height of approximately 2 to 5 ft. 

Blue Wood

Calico or side flying a star is a medium-sized species that generally grows to about 2 to 3 feet tall with an equal width spread.


The frost or hairy aster is a native species that grows to mature dimensions between 2 and 4 feet wide.


The New England storm is a tall native species that grows to at least 3 to 6 feet tall with a spread of about 2 to 3 feet wide.

New England

The New York aster is a native species that grows up to 3to 6 feet high and two to three feet wide. It has an upright growth habit with thinner stems than those of the New England species. Given the height of the stems, it requires staking.

New York

Asters annuals or perennials?  you choose to either grow them afresh each year or leave them in the ground in winter for regrowth in the coming season.


Are Asters Perennials Or Annuals?