Easiest Way To Fix The Long Stem Of An Aloe Vera Plant

An Aloe plant with long stem isn’t a common occurrence. If your plant has uneven stalks, find out why here!

How do you fix the long stem of an Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera stems should be discharged when they seem out of place. You can cut and use the stem if it hasn't turned brown.

How do you cut an Aloe Vera stem with long stems?

Use pruning shears to create a clean cut at the base of your Aloe Vera plant. 

New Aloe Veras successfully grow from a stem. 

Can you regrow Aloe from a stem?

Why is my Aloe plant tall and skinny?

While some Aloe Vera plants are broad and thick, others are tall and skinny. 

Aloe Vera plants grow beautifully indoors and out.

Easiest Way To Fix The Long Stem Of An Aloe Vera Plant

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