How To Grow Bee Balm From Seed – A Simple Guide

How to grow bee balm from seed is an art that every gardener ought to learn to cultivate these magnificent blooms with ease.

Some Facts About Bee Balm Plants

– There are many types of bee balm plants. – Bee Balm plants produce gorgeous flowers that open up to 2 or 3 inches wide. – They are available in many colors like pink, red, white, lilac, mauve, and purple. – They grow as tall as 10 to 48 inches. – These plants are popularly chosen for use in many beneficial gardens and butterfly gardens. – The flowers attract an array of insects like bumblebees, honeybees, butterflies ...

How To Grow Bee Balm From Seed

It is important to note that bee balm plants can be established from seeds sowed indoors or outdoors.

Before you learn how to do it, you need to know that sowing your seeds directly outdoors poses a bit of a risk.  Consider sowing them on a day that is calm and free of high winds.

Directly Grow Bee Balm Seed Outdoors

To start your sowing off, buy a rich and fertile potting mix and starter ports for planting your bee balm seeds.  Peat pots are the best since they prevent root shock when transplanting.

Grow Bee Balm Seed Indoors Before Transplanting 

Germination And Growth Of The Bee Balm Seeds

Bee balm seeds germinate roughly 14 to 28 days after sowing, with most plants reaching maturity height anywhere between 2 to 4 feet tall. 

The major problem with germinating these seeds is mildew problems that affect young plants.  To prevent or treat it, ensure you only water directly at the roots instead of watering the whole plant and wetting its leaves.

Problems With Germinating Bee Balm Seeds

It is vital to note that planting bee balm seeds depends on whether you are starting them inside or outdoors. Planting these seeds at the right time is critical to ensure the soils are at the right temperature to help them thrive.


How To Grow Bee Balm From Seed – A Simple Guide