How To Mow A Steep Hillside – A Complete Guide

It is important to develop strategies on how to mow a steep hillside whenever it’s time to cut the grass while avoiding accidents.

Strategies On How To Mow A Steep Hillside

Set Your Mower To A Higher Setting Throughout.

Mow In A Lateral Direction instead Of Going Up Straight The Slope.

Mowing Wet Grass Is Not A Good Idea.  Even the best mowers can get clogged up and mulching the clipping becomes nearly impossible.  Mowing a steep hillside on a wet day increases the element of danger.

The Most Important Rule: Never Do It when It’s Wet

The best lawn mower to use on an incline has special characteristics.  They include: A good rear-wheel-drive to give you better traction on slopes and inclines A very wide cutting deck to help you cut the grass fast ...

The Best Mowers For Use On A Steep Hillside

Mowing Steep Hills

Mowing a steep hillside is possible when you choose to use the right tools and do it right.  We fail because we do the right things at the wrong time.

Mowing a steep slope can be dangerous if you do not take precautions.  Do not mow up and down the hill directly; instead, take a lateral approach, run your mower parallel to the slope.  If you can use a self-propelled mower, the better!
