What To Do With Tree Stumps – 7 Cool DIY Projects You Can Do With Tree Stumps Or Just Remove Them

For most people, tree stumps are a rather ugly sight that serves no purpose other than taking up space in your yard. But, when you look at it from a different angle, you’ll find that tree stumps can actually be useful for a lot of things. 

What To Do With Tree Stumps – Removal Tips

If you have tree stumps on your property, you should remove them as soon as possible. Stumps can be very damaging to your land. 

Stump removal costs vary from $500-$1,000 and beyond depending on how large the stump is and how far away you are from a tree stump removal company.

What’s The Cost Of Tree Stumps Removal Service?

Do It Yourself: DIY Projects With Tree Stumps And What To Do With Tree Stumps

Woodwork requires a lot of cutting and drilling and it’s not always a simple task. In fact, woodwork is one of the most common home improvement projects...

Woodworking projects

When the soil is too hard or too dry, it may be difficult for the roots to grow. 

Garden planters

The best grills for outdoor use can be bought online or at home improvement stores. 

Outdoor cooking grills

Fire pits are becoming increasingly popular and can provide a great setting for family gatherings.

Fire pit

Homeowners often want to improve the appearance of their home by adding furniture or improving the décor of their rooms.

DIY furniture

Many outdoor lights are designed for security purposes, which means that they won’t be damaged easily. 

Outdoor lighting

Whether you are living in the country or in a city, you’ll still need to make sure that you have enough firewood. 

Firewood storage

There are many ways to use tree stumps in landscaping projects, such as building raised beds and flower gardens. You can also use tree stumps as a source of natural mulch in your garden. 


What To Do With Tree Stumps