When Do You Harvest Brussel Sprouts?

You have probably discovered that it’s fun to grow Brussels but you have to learn when do you harvest Brussels sprouts and how to do it...

When Is The Brussel Sprout Plant Ready For Harvest?

Knowing the right time to pick Brussels sprouts is key in getting the most tender, and flavorful heads.  However, planting them at the right time and pruning them is also important for overall good produce...

Learning when to harvest Brussels sprouts is easy if you know the right time to plant them.   To harvest the tastiest Brussels sprouts, you must plant them at the right time. You can plant your Brussels in early spring, late summer, or early fall...

Planning Your Harvesting Time

1. Bubbles F1 2. Jade Cross F1 and Jade Cross E 3. Long Island Improved 4. Oliver F1 5. Royal Marvel F1 6. Rubine

Varieties Of Brussel Sprouts Plant

1. Bubbles F1

This variety takes 85 – 90 days to mature and tolerates heat and drought and heat. It grows 2-inch sprouts that are resistant to rust and powdery mildew.

These varieties take 90 days to mature.  It was an all-American selection winner in 1959.  Both varieties are great for windy locations and they are able to resist diseases.

2. Jade Cross F1 and Jade Cross E

This variety takes 90 days to mature.  It is a small but high-yielding plant that stands the wind and withstands freezing.

3. Long Island Improved

When Do You Harvest Brussel Sprouts?

Homegrown Brussels sprouts are delicious and growing them for yourself will give you an adequate harvest.  You can try different recipes like simple roasted sprouts – crispy and flavorful and loved by all...
