When Does Pampas Grass Bloom?

When do pampas grass bloom and produce their beautiful white, beige, yellow, or pink flowers that are breathtaking?...

How Long Does It Take For Pampas Grass To Bloom

-Pampas grass grows similarly irrespective of where it’s growing.  It forms tall, lush bunches with their leaves reaching up to 2 meters in length...

Before planting your grass, be sure to select somewhere where there is plenty of space to allow it to grow and spread well.  When planting a lot of grass, leave a space of about 6 to 8 feet apart. Pampas grass enjoys areas with full sun but can also tolerate partial shade.  It also tolerates a wide range of soil types but it thrives in well-drained moist soils...

How Fast Does Pampas Grass Grow (From Transplanting To Bloom)

Planting pampas grass is easy to do and usually happens in the spring.  Pruned clumps of the grass can be divided by cutting through them with a sharp shovel and replanted elsewhere. Pampas grass has both female and male plumes on separate plants...

Planting Pampas Grass

Caring For Pampas Grass Before Bloom

You can also prune them once per year to the ground to allow new growth.  Prune in late winter or early spring to prepare it for another year of flourishing...

When Does Pampas Grass Bloom?

Pampas grass is a beautiful ornamental grass that does not only decorate the garden but your home too.  Dried plumes are often placed in vases, a perfect décor for minimalistic interiors...
