Growing Broccoli From Seed

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Last Updated on January 4, 2023 by Urska

Growing broccoli from seed is pretty easy with the right knowledge. Apart from growing broccoli, you get to enjoy planting this vegetable for various benefits. Broccoli vegetables are not only tasty but also packed with lots of nutritious advantages and it is great for the heart!

In this guide, we will be enlightening you on everything you need to know about growing broccoli from seed. So let’s begin.

Best Time to Plant Broccoli Seeds

Broccoli plants do well in the cool season. The most appropriate time to plant your broccoli seed is through the fall, winter, and also early spring or before the last frost date.

Best Time to Plant Broccoli Seeds

Growing Broccoli From Seeds: Procedures

Broccoli is not so difficult to grow. Here are some tips and procedures for growing broccoli.

Planting Broccolis

The first step is choosing a good quality seed variety for planting. Get a growing container with good drainage holes. For the potting mix, you can make use of peat moss, vermiculite, and compost with some manure and fertilizer. Plant your broccoli in a slightly acidic soil pH of 6 to 7.

Light and Watering

When planting broccoli, begin by sowing the seeds indoors. The seedlings will begin to germinate from the soil from about 5 to 10 days. The growing seedlings will need about 5 to 7 hours of light per day.

Broccoli grows very well in evenly moist soil or environment so you need to water your plant evenly. Make sure the soil is never dry and not too soggy either.


You can now go ahead with transplanting in your garden after 8 weeks. By this time, your seedlings become tall and will need more room. They also begin to develop their first true leaves. Transplant the seedlings when the temperature ranges from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Broccoli and Friends Sprouting Seed Mix

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Read more about Growing Plants – What does a plant need to survive and grow

Hardening Off Your Broccoli

One crucial step is the hardening off right before you transplant and introduces them to the garden. This is because they are used to living in a comfortable indoor environment. Therefore, they need to be accustomed to rough outdoor conditions.

You do this by gradually exposing them to indirect sunlight in a shady area for a few hours per day. Then you later expose them to direct sunlight and wind for some hours gradually.

After a while, they should be prepared to experience some outdoor conditions in the garden.


Give your seedlings a good start with a balanced fertilizer as they begin to grow new leaves. Fish emulsion is a good fertilizer for your broccoli.

Space Your Broccoli

Give adequate spacing between your plants. Broccoli can grow in an enormous way with a large central head so make sure they are not overcrowded. Give them a space of 12 to 14 inches apart.


The journey from seed to harvest time can take about 60 to 96 days depending on the variety of seed planted, make sure you take a look at the seed pack you purchased to have an idea of the variety you obtained. Adequate fertilization can boost germination results and quicken harvest time.

Harvest your nutritious fresh vegetable with a sharp knife when the central head is fully established.


How long does it take to grow broccoli from seeds?

A broccoli plant takes about 45 days to grow from a seed.

Broccoli seeds need a temperature range of around 4-10 degrees Celsius to germinate and grow. If you plant them in pots, the temperature should be around 15-20 degrees Celsius. It's also important to keep the soil moist and not too wet, so it doesn't slow down germination or growth.

What month do you plant broccoli?

The earliest you can plant it is in February and the latest is in April.

Does broccoli come back every year?

Broccoli does come back every year in some places, but not everywhere. For example, in areas where the soil is very fertile and mild temperatures prevail, broccoli will grow all year round. However, in areas with harsh winters where days are cold for a long time and the soil becomes cold as well - broccoli won't grow all year round.

Is broccoli difficult to grow?

You might wonder how difficult it is to grow broccoli. It is a vegetable that can be grown in many places, including indoors or outdoors.

There are two main types of broccoli plants: one with a short stem and the other with a long stem. They both have the same characteristics such as dark green leaves and white flowers and they grow slowly as they mature into large heads of flowers. They can also both be grown in cold weather conditions like other common vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, kale, spinach, etc..

It is difficult to grow broccoli in cold regions because it's too watery to withstand frost. If you are looking for a low-water vegetable, try cauliflower instead.

How much broccoli do you get from one plant?

One broccoli plant can produce anywhere from one to four heads of broccoli.

What can be planted next to broccoli?

Planting the right vegetables next to broccoli will reflect a well-balanced diet.

Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, and cauliflower are all good candidates for planting next to broccoli.

The list also includes radishes, spinach, and beets.

How often do you water broccoli?

A plant's needs are different for each plant. Many people are not aware that they should water their broccoli at least twice a day. It is essential for the plant to have proper water and sunlight.

Are broccoli leaves edible?

Many people have asked whether broccoli leaves are edible because they look like a leaf similar to spinach or kale. The answer is yes; broccoli leaves are edible, but you need to be careful as they can be bitter or tough.

The leaves are most often eaten as a part of Asian cuisine.

Broccoli leaves can also be boiled and served as a vegetable side dish or served as a vegetable soup.

Does broccoli grow all year round?

Broccoli has the capacity to grow in many areas around the world, including cold regions and outside of the country. This means that if you live in Sweden, your broccoli will continue to grow all year round.

Broccoli has three different types of seasons: winter, spring and summer. The first two are where most crops are not able to grow at all due to low temperature conditions. The only time they can be produced is between February and April during the spring season, which is when they are also harvested.

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