Last Updated on March 24, 2023 by Griselda M.
Is Jade plant toxic to dogs? If yes, what exactly does it do to your pets? Many people refer to the jade plant as “jade” when searching on the internet. Jade is, in fact, a mineral that has a similar color to the jade plant, hence its name. In this article, we will learn all about the jade plant and its effects on pets.
The jade plant is a succulent that is indigenous to South Africa. It is now a common plant growing in many parts of the world, including different regions in America. It has been used for centuries as traditional medicine and is still popularly used today. It is also commonly referred to as the ‘emperor’s herb,’ and it is often associated with good luck, wealth, and prosperity.
It is also believed that the jade plant brings love, friendship, and joy to people who are blessed with the presence of the plant. In China, the jade plant is considered an essential part of their diet. It is believed that the Chinese emperor was born with the jade plant embedded in his skin and that he was given this gift as a sign of blessing.
All About the Jade Plant
The Jade plant comes from the family Crassulaceae, and it is known by many different names. In its natural habitat, the Xhosa people call it umxhalagube. In the rest of the world, it goes by names like ‘jade tree’, ‘queen of flowers, ‘emperor’s herb’, ‘Indian jade’, ‘stone flower’, ‘Chinese jade’, ‘pagoda flower’, ‘rock jade’, ‘coral jade’, ‘king of the forest’, ‘king of the mountains’, ‘goddess of longevity, ‘heavenly jade’, ‘earthly jade’, ‘blue jade’, ‘mantel jade’, ‘mountain jade’ and ‘dragon’s blood jade.
It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. It is also believed that the jade plant has many other medicinal properties. This beneficial plant is used to help treat various illnesses, including arthritis, cancer, colitis, depression, diabetes, gout, hypertension, inflammation, infertility, liver disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, strokes, ulcers, and urinary tract infections.
The jade plant is also very popular among modern herbalists as it is known to contain many nutrients that are beneficial to our health. These include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E, F, G, and K.
Some of these nutrients include vitamin A, which is an essential vitamin for the proper functioning of the eyes, skin, bones, teeth, immune system, and nervous system. Vitamin A also helps in the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B1 helps with the formation of red blood cells, DNA, and RNA.
With all that info, let’s answer the question, is jade plant toxic to dogs?
Is Jade Toxic to Dogs?
I am actually a bit stumped on this. If you read the proper literature there is no paper I can find that actually details any mechanism of action of any poison in Crassula ovata that is toxic. If you, however, search on the internet, there are thousands of poorly referenced (even the Wikipedia page is terrible and just references a bad BBC article as proof that Jade plants are poisonous to dogs) articles purporting that jade plants cause dogs to become confused, depressed, delirious, etc.
I have spent 45 years around Jade plants with more than 30 dogs, most of whom started as puppies, and I can say with complete clarity that I have never seen a dog eat or get poisoned by a jade plant. The leaves just are not nice to eat!!
But the common wisdom parroted badly all over the internet is that, yes, the jade plant is toxic to pets, and it can cause many different types of symptoms in your dogs. Jade plant poisoning can be fatal to dogs. It is very important to know what happens to your dogs when they are poisoned by the jade plant.
What are the purported symptoms of jade poisoning? When your dog is poisoned by the jade plant, you will apparently notice that he or she will be very lethargic, droopy, have a pale appearance, and may even go into shock. If your dog gets jade poisoning, it can cause his or her heart to stop beating, which results in seizures. Again, I note that I cannot find a single scientific record of this….but it is all over the internet in the popular media – often a symptom of a mistruth.
It can also apparently cause them to lose their ability to eat and drink. Some dogs may become very weak, and some may even vomit. If your dog has any of these symptoms, you must take him or her to a vet right away – this is just common sense.
Can Jade Be Toxic to Cats?
Yes, jade can be toxic to cats. Just like in dogs, if a cat is poisoned by the jade plant, it can cause his or her heart to stop beating. It can also cause them to lose their ability to eat and drink.
It can cause them to go into shock and become very lethargic and droopy. If your cat has any of these symptoms, you must take him or her to a vet right away.
For sure, this plant should be kept away from pets.
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How Do I Get Rid of Jade in My House?
I would really not worry too much about this. As I say, in my life, I have had 30 or more dogs that were always playing around with jade plants – a lot of jade plants. I know friends who have these plants all over their farms, and my one friend’s Dad is actually a vet. He has never heard of a dog or cat being poisoned by Crassula ovata – the jade plant.
Maybe, if you live in a flat and have a bored dog, it may maul a jade plant and eat a few leaves – this is not ideal, and, working on the fact that this plant could be toxic, it would just make sense to put your jade somewhere where the dog cannot get it. Maybe this is the reason that some folks want to know if jade plants are toxic to dogs. That’s why it also makes sense to ensure that your plant is unreachable, in terms of actually having a beautiful plant – plants look bad after dogs chew them.
How Much Jade Plant is Toxic to Dogs?
I understand that a lot of you want to know, how much jade plant is toxic to dogs. Seeing that the jade plant is said to be poisonous in its entirety, small and large amounts that are consumed by dogs can be toxic. For this reason, it is advisable to train your dogs from the get-go to steer clear of this plant. Additionally, you can also keep them from coming into contact with the jade plant leaves, thorns, sap, roots, stems, and flowers to be safe.
You also need to keep in mind that while there are claims that the jade plant is poisonous, the root cause or substance that is responsible for the toxicity it emits is still not known. As mentioned above, the jade plant causes severe gastric distress in dogs, with several claims of depression and irregular heartbeats that have also noted, according to pet owners. Another thing to take heed of if you have pets is that dogs, especially, find the succulent leaves of jade plants quite tasty.
In this case, if you find that your dogs have consumed any part of the plant, it is best to immediately take them to the nearest veterinarian clinic. Although poisoning can appear mild in most instances – this depends on the amount of jade plant that your pet consumed -, taking caution will avoid future issues. This is because it is said that the canine’s digestive system is not built to process plant material in large quantities. Is jade plant toxic to dogs was the initial question. Now, let’s see how a poisoned dog is actually treated.
Essential steps that your vet will use to treat jade plant poisoning:
Step 1: Standard Evacuation
Ipecac is used in standard evacuation as it induces vomiting in pets. Additionally, undigested toxins are absorbed by giving your dog activated charcoal by mouth.
Step 2: Decontamination
Decontamination is the process of performing a gastric bypass which is effective in flushing out the digestive system in pets. Your veterinarian will use warm saline water that is fed by inserting an extended hose from the mouth to the stomach of your dog in this instance. This process is done while your pet is sedated.
Step 3: Fluid therapy
Fluid therapy is essential as it reduces dehydration in pets, which is often the result of diarrhea and vomiting. To do this, an intravenous (IV) line is inserted to feed the fluids into your pet’s body. In this instance, the IV will also aid in flushing out the kidneys.
Step 4: Medicate
Although medication is not always necessary, if need be, your vet may administer pet antiemetic. This is only given when vomiting persists as it helps to stop it.
Step 5: Observing
After all the necessary steps for reversing jade plant poisoning have been taken by the vet, it is advisable to keep an eye on your dog to see if there is any improvement or further deterioration of your pet’s health.
Can You Eat a Jade Plant?
So, can you eat a jade plant? Yes, you can eat this plant as jades only have a mild poisoning effect on human beings. In the case of mild poisoning, vomiting, and diahrea can be expected. The effects that the consumption of jade plants has on dogs and cats are not similar to humans. I guess that the result of this is due to the differences in our digestive tracts compared to these animals.
However, the jade plant is widely consumed in most Asian countries. Their fragrant leaves produce a yellowy liquor that has a fresh taste when prepared. The taste emits a fruit-like nuttiness that is enjoyed by many. In most cases, skin irritation has been reported when humans have come into direct contact with the jade plant’s sap. Otherwise, this medicinal plant is okay to eat.
In Conclusion
Is jade toxic to dogs? Yes, this plant is purportedly toxic to pets, both cats and dogs. It can possibly cause a wide variety of signs from mild to severe.
The most common problem is the ingestion of large amounts of plants, causing a variety of symptoms. Some pets purportedly have had to be put down after ingesting large amounts of jade, although there are no real scientific data on this. Signs can include vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, tremors, weakness, collapse, muscle twitching, and difficulty breathing.
I would really just suggest using common sense – there are hundreds of things that can kill a pet. Jade plants are probably really low on that list – just put the plants somewhere where they are unlikely to get gnawed by your dog or cat. And again, I really have no idea why a cat would even eat a jade plant! I have had many cats and have never seen a single one eat a succulent. It is just not their thing because they are carnivores.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are jade plants poisonous to pets?
Yes, jade plants are known to be poisonous to pets, especially cats and dogs that could eat them up. It is important to keep these plants from your pets to protect them from poisoning.
What happens if a dog eats a succulent?
A pet will not immediately die from eating succulents, but it could have an upset stomach or get really sick. If the pet has eaten a large number of succulents, he or she should seek veterinary care.
Are dogs attracted to succulents?
No, they are not. They may eat them accidentally, but they do not like them. They can even get sick from eating succulents.
How do I stop my dog from eating succulents?
Dogs usually eat what they want. They will eat succulents if they accidentally get into your garden or yard. Try to keep your yard free of succulents to prevent your dog from eating them. Or keep your pets away from your garden where you are growing jade plants. When your dog eats succulents, take him or her to a vet immediately.
Caroline is a gardener who loves to get down to the nitty–gritty of gardening. She proudly proclaims herself as a ‘dirt worshipper‘ and can often be found deep in the garden, covered in soil and singing to her plants. As a self–proclaimed ‘plant whisperer‘, Caroline believes that plants need love and attention just like any other living thing, and she loves to give them both. When she‘s not tending to her garden, you can often find her researching the latest gardening trends, or teaching others how to make their gardens thrive