After the growing season of peppers comes harvesting, and there is only a handful of peppers you can eat at once. Therefore, you will need to preserve your peppers, and one major way of preserving your pepper is by drying. Read on to find out how to dry peppers.
Drying peppers involves removing moisture from the pepper. All types of pepper can be dried for preservation or storage. Below are some ways on how to dry peppers.
If you are having a problem with air moisture which can prevent your pepper from air drying properly, you can opt for a food dehydrator. A food dehydrator is one easy and fast method of drying your peppers successfully.
The aim is to dry out the pepper after baking it in the oven for 30 minutes. Drying can take up to an hour or two. Try to leave the door of the oven open a little to allow moisture to leave, and keep an eye on the heat.
A hot climate during the day with a temperature above 20 degrees Celsius can help dry your peppers. However, air moisture can hinder your pepper from drying appropriately. One simple way of drying pepper is air drying and hanging. This method depends on the weather in your area.
Harvesting, and there is only a handful of peppers you can eat at once. Therefore, you will need to preserve your peppers, and one major way of preserving your pepper is by drying.