Snake Plant Cold Damage And Prevention

Hardy tropical plants like the Sansevieria are predominantly easy to care for, but do you know how severe snake plant cold damage is? Before throwing your whole plant away, you should try a couple of tips.

How Hardy Is A Snake Plant

Snake plant thrives in USDA Hardiness zones 8 to 12. It’s a tropical plant that is native to the African region.

There are 4 varieties of Sansevieria: trifasciata, hahnii, cylindrica and masoniana. The snake plant is Sansevieria trifasciata. 

Best Conditions For A Sansevieria Plant

Coldwater can permanently damage your snake plant. As it penetrates the soil and reaches the root, it stresses it to the point of rotting. This results in leaf damage and the plant dying.

Can Cold Water Damage Your Snake Plant?

Water is the number one enemy to your snake plant. The snake plant is much more luscious than other succulents, so it’s easy to forget where it comes from. 

What Can Lead To A Snake Plant Dying

How To Recognize Cold Damage In A Snake Plant

The first signs of cold damage appear on the snake plant’s leaves. You might not notice it right away because they can appear up to 4 weeks ...

To save a snake plant from dying or suffering severe damage, make sure you provide it with the proper growing conditions. Start by picking a suitable place in your house. You can keep the plant outside year-round only if you live in an area where night temperatures stay around 60°F.

How To Save A Snake Plant

Cold damage doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your plant. While you can’t restore the soft and mushy leaves to their previous firm form, you can save the rest of the plant.

How To Revive A Snake Plant

The snake plant is famous for its capability to clean the air in your home. Not only can it absorb toxins like benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde, but it also converts carbon dioxide to oxygen – all day long!

Benefits Of Growing A Snake Plant

Bottom Line: Can You Save A Snake Plant With Severe Cold Damage

When growing a snake plant in a colder climate, you can expect some cold damage. If you have your pots outside, remember to bring them inside before temperatures drop below 50°F. 
